You are here: System Administration > Database Manager > Stop a Database Instance

Stop a Database Instance

There may be times where you need to stop a database instance from running. For example, if you chose an incorrect port for a database instance, you will need to stop that database instance before you can delete it. You would then need to create a new database instance with the correct port setting.

If you want to stop a database instance that has been registered as Windows service, you can use the Server Icon, ClearSCADA Service Manager, or Windows Services. If the database instance has not been registered as a Windows service, you can only stop it by using the Server Icon.

NOTE: If you are unsure whether a database instance has been registered as a Windows service, view the Details for the database instance (see Display Details of a Database Instance). If Register as Service is selected, the database instance has been registered as a Windows service.

NOTE: You can also use the Services settings to Pause and Resume the database instance.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2